05 November 2009

The Beginnings of a Blog

Hello, everyone!
I have been toying with the idea of a blog for a long time, and my friends finally convinced me that I really should do it! So here I am, and I hope you enjoy. I know I'm crazy (some would say worse than crazy) to start a blog just as I committed to writing a novel with nanowrimo, and the semester is getting more difficult (with me being one of those OCG [obsessive compulsive grades] people). Ah, well. After all, if I have any spare time at all it is spare time, and I can do with it as I like - right? :)
I want to share a poem I wrote last winter about the place I was going to school.

A Lonely Day

I turn the corner of the sidewalk and
swerve. Two people are kissing,
wrapped up in each other;
never even saw me.

A girl sits on the bench where the
wind is strong, the smoke of her cigarette
lost in the snowflakes. She pulls
her jacket closer around her
shoulders and breathes in and slowly
out, looking at me vacantly.

I shiver at the hopelessness of being
out on a day like this, and reach
for the door. A guy is just ahead of me;
he holds the second door for me.
“Thank you,” I say, and he nods as
he walks on.

I curve around the long hallway.
“Try a latte or spiced cider,” I read.
“We serve pastries and bagels.” I sigh
and look around. Fifteen people pass by,
all of them texting or with their
hands in their pockets and their
eyes on the floor or humming
along with their iPods.

Three girls walk up to the counter.
They are laughing. One orders a
bagel sandwich, another a cappuccino,
and the third a bowl of soup. “I
have class at two,” one says.
“Aural theory. I still haven’t
done my homework.” They all laugh,
and I smile with relief. So
there are people here who have
interaction with others.

I walk down the long hallway,
aware. I am a passing face, a
Person that is a blur, an unknown

Sometimes I get tired of not knowing
people. I open the door, and a cold
rush of snow strikes my face and
numbs my hands. I step into the
flow of humanity, into an impersonal
wave that carries me along and where
I am alone.

I spent most of the year at school not really knowing anyone and feeling rather anonymous. Now that I am here at college with wonderful friends, I feel much different! I am an incredibly blessed girl. Have a wonderful day!


  1. Okay, usually I'm not so much into freeverse, but I actually really liked your poem. It conveys something like what I've often felt or thought about life. :)
    Thank goodness we're not alone!

  2. being lonely is certainly one of the awful feelings in life . . . thank God for you, friend!
