04 February 2010

4 February 2010

Today was a rather interesting day - it was the first time I had my colloquy session at 10:30 instead of 8:30. That meant that I was able to sleep in a bit, have a wonderful breakfast, and do some reading before the session. We were discussing Bede's History of the English Church and People and The Rule of St. Benedict, which made for a wonderful discussion. It was interesting to hear the different views on the Rule, especially.

This afternoon was much quieter - I started the process of synthesizing the week's learning for my paper, and listened to a lot of music. I was feeling particularly cooped up, so Bethany and I went for a walk this evening. We just went around the 'block' (which is a little different than an American block, since the city is most definitely laid out along ancient cart paths and no grid!) twice. It was wonderful, and I felt so much better afterwards! GStQ

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